Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Fourth of July

Nothing is more American than Micky Mouse unless it's a Micky Mouse in red, white and blue stripes and stars.   He is a perfect low-key feature for today's Fourth of July celebrations.  I doubt there will be many public celebrations given the pandemic conditions here.  In my opinion and the opinion of my friends and colleagues there isn't a lot to celebrate this year.  The country is being led by someone who has totally failed at every aspect of his job.  At the beginning of this year we were faced with a global crisis that in some ways should have brought a divided country together with all of us pitching in together to protect each other and get a dangerous virus under control.  Instead, we had a leader at the top who pushed us further apart with his lies and self-serving rhetoric.  And yet, there are still a good sized group of people who continue to stand by him and say he's doing a fine job.  It's a total mystery to me.  If it was as simple as following the Pied Piper I'd say let them go but, it's not that simple because they are taking us over the cliff with them.

So sorry for the rant.  As most of you know I usually try not to bring politics into my blog posts but on this occasion when we should be celebrating the birth of our nation, it seems a perfect time to express my frustrations with the directions of our country.

For those celebrating this American Holiday, be safe out there!


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy 4th of July Sharon, hopefully next year you will be able really celebrate for more than one reason 😊 Your last shot here is incredible 💙

Andy said...

Your rant needed to be said. Now make sure you enjoy the rest of your Independents' Day.

Catarina said...

Enjoy the day in a safe way.
I understand what you are feeling.

RedPat said...

Your last pic is wonderful, Sharon! Stay safe and stay strong.

Revrunner said...

Can't wait to cast my absentee ballot for Biden!

Travel said...

Very well put, he who shall not be named, is a fundamental failure as a leader. One of the few things I miss about central Florida, was being in Micky Mouse's backyard, being able to go whenever I wished.

Steve Reed said...

Amen to your rant! It doesn't seem like a very celebratory holiday this year, I agree.

Allison said...

It was a good rant. I love the last photo.

Bill said...

There are millions of people who would love and understand your rant. Enjoy your holiday, Sharon. Next year it will be a lot better!

Aimz said...

Politicians can be so self serving and the pandemic is just making everything so much scarier there, hope you're keeping safe.

William Kendall said...

You're quite correct.

Sami said...

Love the last picture, very creative Sharon.
Let's hope next year things will have changed for the better in your country!

Kay said...

Your "rant" is completely on the mark. I shared a post on Facebook today from Alex Cole:
"How sad it must be to be a Trump supporter
Believing that scientists, scholars, teachers, economists & journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and documented lying is your only beacon of truth & honesty."

I'm trying to motivate myself to begin blogging again but rather like being undisciplined and am also trying to regain some balance. This political situation makes me physically sick.

Your second photo is stunning.