Thursday, May 28, 2020

Looking Up

When I was taking photos of that fountain I featured on Tuesday, I also took this shot looking skyward past the tall buildings.  I liked all the palm trees clustered below to add some interest.

When I was getting ready to post the first photo, I found two more photos of the same buildings that I had never posted before.  This one was taken in 2016.

And this one I took way back in 2013.  I guess I've been around these buildings more often than I remembered.  They are an attractive set of buildings and that fountain (pictured on Tuesday) alone makes the place appealing.  It is also home to one of my favorite public art pieces.  You might remember The Code Talker.


Andy said...

Take it from a northern... it is always nice to see the palm trees. Glad to see someone remembered the Code Talkers... they rightfully earned it.

RedPat said...

I remember that sculpture, Sharon! As Andy said, it is always nice to see palm trees.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Three very different perspectives Sharon. The Code Talker is a brilliant sculpture, thanks for the link to see it again 💛

Karl said...

I like the contrast of the natural palms and the artificial buildings.

Steve Reed said...

I wonder how I missed that Code Talker post? We have Joseph Bruchac's book by that title in our library. Nice perspective on the buildings and yes, like your other commenters, I always appreciate a palm tree!

Bill said...

I remember seeing the sculpture. The palm trees are always nice to see.

Revrunner said...

I think I'm having a case of vertigo looking up at these. :-)

Aimz said...

It's a really nice perspective with the palm trees against the building.

William Kendall said...

Terrific vantages.

Kay said...

I like the palm trees shot the best of these you've shown.
The Code Talkers is a wonderful sculpture. Sadly, I think the last of the Code Talkers has passed away. They deserved more recognition and honor than I think they may have gotten.