Saturday, February 1, 2020

Theme Day: Streetscape

There I was on Jefferson Street heading east right into Downtown Phoenix on Sunday afternoon when there was hardly any traffic downtown. It was the perfect opportunity to snap a photo looking into all those buildings that make up the city center.  I grabbed the camera and pointed it and snapped just as the light turned green. I've been on this street many times when the traffic was pretty much bumper to bumper so this was my chance to get a clear shot.

For the City Daily Photo bloggers, the first of the month is always "theme day" with everyone posting a shot along the same theme.  You guessed it, today's theme is Streetscape.

Check out other bloggers streetscapes here.


Revrunner said...

Where has everyone gone?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice work Sharon, I know how hard it is to get a street scape like this in a busy city, looks a wee bit like looking down St George's Terrace ✨

RedPat said...

It is a strange feeling to have the road to yourself when it is usually busy. Good one, Sharon!

Kate said...

A beautiful blue sky on a quiet street!

Kay said...

Five empty lanes. That's an unexpected opportunity. And what a beautiful blue sky. Nice!

Steve Reed said...

Does downtown have any residential or is it pretty much all businesses? I know in my hometown, Tampa, we used to roll up the sidewalks* downtown on the weekends because NO ONE was there on those days. Now there's more residential in downtown Tampa and things are livelier.

*not literally, of course. :)

Sharon said...

To answer Steve's question, there is quite a bit of residential in downtown Phoenix now but it happens to be on the other side of downtown. Right here on this corner it's all municipal buildings like police, court houses, parking structures and a county building or two. Down there where all those buildings are clustered together are hotels, apartments, condos, restaurants and the convention center. There were people down there. There was in fact, a car on either side of me at the traffic light. I just snapped the photo before they edged out and got in the way.

Aimz said...

Looks like you do what I do, take your camera with you everywhere you go :-)

Jim said...

Great shot.

William Kendall said...

I can imagine that street during rush hour.

Gemel said...

Great shot Sharon.

Catalyst said...

It will probably look the same way tomorrow when everyone is clustered around their television sets for the Super Bowl. I was going to write Stupor Bowl but then that wouldn't be nice, would it?

Susie of Arabia said...

Phoenix traffic is usually crazy! You were lucky to get this shot. Hugs from Saudi Arabia!