Thursday, February 27, 2020

Oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is a Comin'

A couple of weeks ago, I was in downtown Phoenix with some time to kill before meeting friends for the symphony so I stopped in at the Wells Fargo Museum located on the street level of the Wells Fargo tower.  It's a small but very nice museum with lots of history about Wells Fargo dating all they way back to the famous coach and mail lines.  They have two old coaches on display.  The one above was set against a desert background perfect for picture taking.

The other one was set up for fun.  People can sit it it and feel what it would be like to ride across the desert in this horse drawn wagon.  I'm thinking that you get a pretty calm version of what it must have really been like.

One thing that really impressed me was the collection of N.C. Wyeth original paintings.  They must have had at least a dozen of them.  Wyeth worked as an illustrator for different publications so many of these paintings ended up in novels, school books and magazines.


Lucyna Drozłowska said...

Piękne są te pojazdy ale podróżowanie nimi nie było zbyt wygodne:)

biebkriebels said...

It looks always so cosy and romantic to sit in a coach :)

Andy said...

I am a fan of the old west. Just the kind of place that I would like to spend a lot of time.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Days of old always have a romantic appeal but I bet it wouldn't have been all that much fun back then 😊 The paintings are fantastic Sharon, especially the first! Very cool way to spend time while you were waiting ✨

Steve Reed said...

Wells Fargo is my bank! I had no idea they owned so many Wyeth paintings. I wish they'd sell them and pay me interest. LOL

Catarina said...

This is another place I would like to visit. : )

RedPat said...

It must have been quite an adventure to ride across the country in one of those wagons, Sharon!

Bill said...

The wild wild west. Makes me think of the movies I watched as a kid. Wagons on a journey across the desert with dangerous situations popping up. No need to worry, John Wayne is there for protection. :)

R's Rue said...


William Kendall said...

I've seen Wyeth works, in books, mainly.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A fascinating time in our history and a fun and informative museum!

Aimz said...

It's good to see an example of the wild west, cool place to visit.

Kay said...

Great western history! I can barely imagine how uncomfortable it must have been in those coaches. Not only were the roads brutally rough there wasn't much in the way of shock absorbers. And look at those wheels. Ouch!