Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Time for a New Roof

I've seen lots of houses getting new roofs put on lately but this one especially caught my eye.  That is quite a lot of tile piled up on that roof.  I'm sure it's going to look very nice when they get done.  Tile roofs are very popular here in the southwest.


Revrunner said...

As they should be. They are so very attractive--when installed. :-)

Catarina said...

It's the first time I see a roof like that...

Andy said...

Lunch break is over. Get back to work!

RedPat said...

It looks so odd with the tiles piled like that, Sharon!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wonder how long it will take now that the tiles are there and ready to go Sharon ✨

Steve Reed said...

I wonder how much that roof weighs?!

Catalyst said...

I was thinking the same as Steve Reed and wondering if it will support all those piled tiles.

William Kendall said...

Yes, that work needs to be done.

Bill said...

That will be a lot of work but it will look great when finished.

Aimz said...

I guess the roof needs to withstand the heat right? Does it rain much there?

Gemel said...

That will look really amazing when done, great photo.

Thérèse said...

As if there were more tiles than needed...