Sunday, November 17, 2019

Painting With Shoes

A week or so ago, I went to the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art and while I was there viewing exhibits, I came across this case with these shoes inside.  Next to the case was a little video showing an artist and a helper painting panels for the exhibit with these shoes.....on the artist's feet.  She would dip her toe in the paint, brace herself on her helper and then kick her foot out to splatter the canvas.  I'm not kidding....that's the way the paintings below were painted.

I've seen many interesting ways to create art but, that had to be the most unique I've ever seen.  I won't be trying this one at home.  I have too much respect for my shoes!

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm paying a little tribute to poor, "wet" Venice.


Aimz said...

hmmm I don't quite know what to make of the shoes, I like the artwork but the shoes kind of remind me of horse feet?

biebkriebels said...

A bit complicated way to make a painting I think, why not use your hands? :)

Andy said...

I am not ready to throw away my paint brushes just yet.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well this is a new one for me Sharon, must hold on to my old shoes, they might come in handy one day 😉

RedPat said...

Those are talented shoes! ;-)

Steve Reed said...

Hmmmmm. Seems a bit gimmicky to me.

Allison said...

Why is that art? What is art? Were the paintings done by elephants art? I think my taste in art ended with the Dutch Masters. I find the rest of it bewildering. I love the balls of fire along the waterfront. Phoenix appears to be much more interesting than when I was there in the early 80's.

Bill said...

I guess people will always come up with new creative way to create art.

William Kendall said...


Lois said...

Well, that is a new one for me!

Revrunner said...

I give those shoes a yuck factor of 10 out of 10. :-)

Gemel said...

Very unique!