Saturday, August 10, 2019

Scottsdale Art Walk

I was sorting through photos again last week when I came across several photos I had taken when I went on the weekly art walk in Scottsdale.  I got to thinking that I hadn't done that in a while and figured I should do it again when they start up in the fall.  I checked their schedule and discovered they do it all year long.  So Thursday evening I headed over to Scottsdale to see what the art walk was like on a hot August night.  Quiet would be the word that comes to mind.  Not many people were out admiring the art and many of the galleries were closed for vacations but I pushed on and visited around eight different galleries.  It was all on a stretch of three blocks so I wasn't out in the heat for long periods of time.  I snapped the above photo when I was crossing the street at the corner of Main and Scottsdale Road.  I snapped three shots before I got one without any cars crossing in front.  Scottsdale Road is pretty busy.


Catarina said...

It seems the population was afraid of the hot temperatures.

RedPat said...

You were brave to be out in the heat, Sharon!

The Padre said...

Good Ol Scottsdale AZ. Many Memories From The 1990's There. Groups Of Us Would Travel Out, Stay At The Raddison Hotel, & Catch Spring Ball.

Also, Get Shot From The Airplane. Amazing Mission Shots As Well.


Bill said...

Extremely hot weather must deter people from going out in it. I would think they would be used to it seeing that they live in the area. I would be staying in. :) Nice street shot!

William Kendall said...

A terrific shot!

DeniseinVA said...

I like the idea of an art walk. Pretty photo!

Aimz said...

Good shot. I find it hard getting good road photos without traffic in them.

Thérèse said...

I have only nice souvenirs from this part of town.

Steve Reed said...

Nice shot! I love the light.