Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ride & Shine

Our light rail trains carry a vast array of advertising on them these days.  I happened to catch this one with ad for the light rail itself.  Actually, this one happens to be a prize winner for the "design a transit wrapper" contest conducted among high school students in the valley.  They are asked to design a wrapper that promotes the benefits of public transportation.  This one was designed by Lindzi Ramos of Peoria High School.


biebkriebels said...

Very well done, a riding mural!

Steve Reed said...

That's awesome -- and by a high school student!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love that high school art students are getting a chance to show off their work Sharon, so cool 💙

RedPat said...

She did a great job and must be thrilled to see it!

William Kendall said...

I like that one!

Bill said...

It looks fabulous! What a wonderful job, they should be proud of their accomplishment.

The Padre said...

Fantastically Timed Action Shot - Way Cool


Aimz said...

nice! Wish our trains here in NZ were that posh.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Quite graphic - kudos to the student who designed it.

OFFER said...
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