Saturday, August 24, 2019

Look What I Found!

There were quite a few grackles hanging around the outside tables at a restaurant in Tempe and even though not many people braved the heat to dine outside, this fellow found a tidbit to take away.

It looks like a piece of popcorn to me but it might just be a piece of bread.  He was pretty proud of his find and he pranced around with it for a while before flying away.


biebkriebels said...

Ha,ha funny photos, specially the second one!

Catarina said...

Great pics!!! Mainly the last one.
: )

RedPat said...

And he is keeping cool with his feet in the water. Smart bird, Sharon!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

He looks pretty pleased with himself Sharon, in that grumpy way crows have 😊 He looks like he's up on tippy toes in the second shot 😁

Steve Reed said...

He's got food AND cool feet! What's not to love?!

William Kendall said...

He looks like a formidable fellow.

Bill said...

Quite the proud entertainer, wants to show off his prize. :) Great capture, Sharon.

Aimz said...

Guess he's gotta eat aye or maybe he/she has babies to feed.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure the water was much appreciated.

OFFER said...
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