Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Inside the Rainforest

I had no idea that any Rainforest Cafes still existed but the one inside the Arizona Mills shopping center was still there and customers were inside.  I have eaten here before (or maybe it was another one somewhere) but, it was a very long time ago.  It's just an average restaurant that is all about the experience and not so much about the food.

The inside and outside are decorated like a jungle complete with waterfalls and jungle noises.  As I recall, while dining here you will hear all kinds of bird calls, hoots from monkeys and an occasional growl from the large cat family.  It's all recorded sound, of course.

I was quite surprised to find this place still open for business.


Catarina said...

The rainforest doesn't come to you... you go to the rainforest...

Andy said...

There's one in Niagara Falls, Canada. There used to be more.

RedPat said...

I can remember a couple of them in Toronto but I think they are gone. I never ate there.

Stefan Jansson said...

Don't think we have something like this in ny area.

Bill said...

When I visited my sister and her family in Maryland years ago, they had one. Her kids loved it. I think it was in the late 90s when we were there.

William Kendall said...

I can't recall any here.

The Padre said...

Now This Takes Me Back - Like WoW - Also, Your 'I Was Tempted' Post Was Rather Colorful


Aimz said...

wow what a cool place, bet it's popular with children.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That sounds like a fun dining experience Sharon, for the children anyway.. we grownups prefer the food to be more appetising than the decor 😉

Steve Reed said...

I haven't thought of that place in ages! I don't think I ever ate there.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think the one in Toronto went out of business a few years ago, but I did eat there a couple of times and as far as I recall the food and service were both good. These theme restaurants are perhaps a little too "cute" for the long haul.

Jack said...

There was one of these in Westfarms Mall on the line between West Hartford and New Britain. I never went in, and I only go to the mall these days for the Apple Store. Next time I am there, I need to check. It feels like a concept that would have a short life.