Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Modern Experimentation

Yesterday I told you about the exhibit called "Color Riot" at the Heard Museum.  Today, I wanted to show you a few of the modern pieces that were also in the display.  This one is especially interesting. It was created by one of the Mellon fellows, Velma Kee Craig in 2013.  She created this piece to resemble an American flag with the stripes created from a standard bar code and the "stars" section from a QR code she found on a for sale sign for a foreclosed home in her neighborhood.  When this piece was displayed at the Heard Museum's Weavers Market, people were able to scan the QR code and it actually took them to the house listing web page.  I find that amazing!

Here are two more of the modern designs.  The top one is by Venancio Francis Aragon called Prism of Emotions.  It was created this year.

The one to the left was created by Lola S. Cody and is called Grand Falls.  It dates to 2012.

I like both of these, but that QR code one at the top still amazes me.


RedPat said...

Visually I like them all too Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

Those are beautiful and innovative works. I’m glad the weaving arts are still evolving! And yes, that is a WILD story about the QR code!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful works, Sharon!

Thérèse said...

What a fun story with the QR code.

Bill said...

They are beautiful works. My favorite is the Prism of Emotions.

Aimz said...

That's so funny about the QR code, just goes to show technology is mixing with art.