Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Photo-Bombing Insects

On Sunday I took another early morning walk at the Desert Botanical Garden, this time at 6:00 AM.  I didn't see as many birds this time but there were an abundance of insects doing their important work.  The funny thing is, I didn't see any of these until I downloaded the photos.  My photos of these three flowers were photo bombed!  That bee above flew right into the frame of these tiny white flowers.

I didn't see the bee peeking out from this squash blossom.

And, I didn't know that tiny little bug was sitting atop this purple owl's clover bloom.

Those sneaky little bugs! 😃


Thérèse said...

Insects are playing peekaboo with you Sharon!

Andy said...

They certainly are not camera shy.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Those are the kind of photo bombers that are welcome Sharon 😉 Super shots and thanks for Googling the information about my mysterious harbour visitor ✨

RedPat said...

They see a camera and think this is their chance for international fame! ;-)

William Kendall said...

These are wonderful!

Bill said...

It's nice when the models show up for your photo shoot. :)

Aimz said...

Nice shots, I'm sure the bees were very busy.

Jack said...

Shhhhhhh . . . I believe that you were looking for the bee and bugs.

Catarina said...

Those insects are very, very sneaky!!
: )