Saturday, May 4, 2019

Living on the Golf Course

I took a walk over to the golf course and found other families of geese frolicking on the lake.  No sign of my parking lot pals but several others with brand new families were out enjoying the spring day and teaching the young ones to swim and forage.

It occurred to me that these must be the more affluent geese living on the golf course of the Biltmore Estates while the family living in the parking lot must be the poor relations.  ðŸ˜ƒ


Andy said...

The Canada geese are grass eaters. That is why we see them in golf courses and public parks. The ones we have here are not afraid of people.

Catarina said...

The others could invite their poor relations. : ))

William Kendall said...

Mama and Papa are quite watchful.

Bill said...

Great photos, Sharon! It's family day, time to teach the young ones the Geese 101 primary course. :)

Aimz said...

I like your photos, we seen to have more ducks than geese here.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Made me smile Sharon 😀

Karl said...

Cute family, Sharon !

Steve Reed said...

The golf course definitely seems like more suitable accommodation!