Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Huge Crowds

The Barrett Jackson annual auto auction draws huge crowds of people, some to bid on cars and most, like me, to just look.  See all the people looking around out side?  There were three times as many inside the bidding tent.  The parking at this event is so huge that shuttles are required to and from the parking areas.  I had lunch at that upper deck to the left where I could look down on the staging tent where cars were lined up waiting to make their way onto the bidding stage.

While eating lunch, I could look down on the staging area in the top photo and also watch the cars as they made their way onto the stage on the big screen TV.  It was a great location.

I saw this one down below getting some last minute polishing and then I saw it on the TV screen as the auction was going on.  You can see that the bidding was at $90,000 when I snapped the photo.  It ended up selling for well over $100,000 in the end.  These are cars that command a lot of money.


Andy said...

There certainly a lot of people in attendance. It must be fun to watch but everything is well out of my price range.

biebkriebels said...

People are very interested in cars overthere!

RedPat said...

The crowds would take away some of the pleasure but it still looks like great fun, Sharon!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh wow! That's a lot of money Sharon.. and people!

Bill said...

That's a lot of people interested in cars. They are nice to look at but that would be enough for me.

William Kendall said...

Quite a crowd!

Aimz said...

That's quite a car and very exciting too.

Catalyst said...

What fun! Which one did you buy, Sharon?

Steve Reed said...

I wonder who's buying them?