Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Toy Shop

I drove out to north Scottsdale last weekend to visit one of my favorite chocolate shops, Zak's Chocolates.  The shop is located in a rather obscure little shopping center that faces inward rather than toward the busy street.  Back in the corner of the center is this store called Kidstop.  I had never visited it before but on this occasion, I decided to check it out.

It turns out that the store is much bigger than it looks from the outside and it's piled full of all kinds of toys, books, games and adorable stuffed animals.  It was a joy to just walk around and soak it all up.  I spent some time admiring this "pet" themed Christmas tree.  It was full of ornaments all dog and cat related.  Those round ornaments say either "I love my dog" or "I love my cat" while some of the others are dog and cat shaped.

The scene was further enhanced by the real dog that roamed around the store. I tried to catch a photo of him but he was too quick and quite adept at avoiding the camera.


biebkriebels said...

The Christmas tree looks very creative and nice.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This is exactly the kind of shop I need to visit Sharon .. I have eight children's pressies still to buy before Christmas 😱 Loved the animal Christmas tree, such a nice idea ✨

William Kendall said...

That is quite a Christmas tree!

Aimz said...

Looks like they have some very different and unique children's gifts than normal stores have.

Unknown said...

I have been in this store. They had a large selection of games when I visited years ago.

RedPat said...

I'm still looking for a couple of kid's gifts but that is a bit far to go but at least I could warm up while I was there!

Bill said...

That's an impressive Christmas tree.