Saturday, December 29, 2018

Encounter with a Hawk

While we were relaxing on the patio at the Arizona Biltmore last Saturday, a young man with a Harris Hawk came by.  He said the hawk was young and still in training but, it certainly looked like it knew what it was doing while we watched it.

He would give it the signal to fly and it would soar above the hotel and land on the roof or a window ledge and watch him for its next instruction.

When he signaled, it would take off and fly right back to its perch on his arm.  That was certainly an extra treat to see on our stay at the hotel.


biebkriebels said...

The world is full surprises, nice to watch him so close by!

Karl said...

What a beautiful bird !

Andy said...

Wow! Amazing creature. You got yourself some interesting photos.

Catarina said...

That was quite a treat!
: )

RedPat said...

What a handsome bird, Sharon! Great pics!

Bill said...

What a fantastic treat to see this lovely bird. Great photos, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

What a beautiful bird!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A beautiful bird and nicely photographed! Have a Happy New Year!!

Catalyst said...

Yes, great pictures of a spectacular performer.

Judy Ryer said...

What a beauty!

Aimz said...

Gosh that's something that's been a hobby during even the medieval era.

Lowell said...

Watching a hawk go through a learning process has always been a favorite part of an avian show. Fun photos, Sharon!

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful bird.