Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Greetings from Phoenix Arizona

Merry Christmas.

I'm sending holiday greetings from sunny Arizona. I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday!


Thérèse said...

Merry Christmas Sharon!

Karl said...

Thanks for the greetings from Arizona, they are very appreciated. Greetings back from the Dolomites.

biebkriebels said...

Merry Christmas to you too!

William Kendall said...

Merry Christmas!

RedPat said...

Merry Christmas, Sharon! We are having a few flakes of snow coming down but no white Christmas here.

Catalyst said...

Good photo with that decorated tree right next to the tall palm tree. Happy Christmas, Sharon.

Lowell said...

A lovely juxtaposition between the Christmas tree and the palm tree. I hope you've had a very merry Christmas, Sharon!

Catarina said...

That is a gorgeous tree!!
: )

Aimz said...

Merry Christmas. It's going well here, very hot weather.

Jack said...

Merry Christmas, Sharon.