Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Secret Garden

There is a little patch at the Desert Botanical Garden located between a bench and one of the office buildings where I find some of the most beautiful flowers blooming.  And the funny thing is, that not many people ever see these beauties because of the odd location.  The little patch of ground has a very utilitarian look to it with electrical boxes and hoses close by.

The flowers I find there are all in the lily family and I've seen red ones and white ones and this time this striped one.

There is no sign to identify the plants, they just grow there quietly.  I honestly think that one of the gardeners plants them there for his/her own amusement.  But, since I know where to look, I'm in on the secret now too.


biebkriebels said...

Wonderful photos.

Andy said...

Sounds enchanting!

RedPat said...

Beautiful, Sharon! Especially that 1st pic.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

And now we're in the secret too Sharon.. promise I won't tell 😉 The stripey lilies are quite unusual and lovely ✨

Lowell said...

I like the way you operate. If I ever get to Phoenix, I'd like you to lead me on a sneaky photo hunt. Me thinks you know all the good places. As I recall, we had some of these flowers in our yard at our first Ocala house. They were a different color, though, but very pretty!

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Catalyst said...

I'm glad you found it.

Catarina said...

We need those flowers here to colour our world...

Aimz said...

oh beautiful! I'm guessing they are some kind of lily but not sure which one.

Bill said...

Gorgeous, a nice little hideaway you found.

Judy Ryer said...


Steve Reed said...

That lily is different from any I've ever seen.

Lois said...

So pretty! They look like the amaryllis blooms I have in one of my flower beds. My grandfather gave them to me years ago and they come back every year with very little care given to them.

Jack said...

Gorgeous lilies or amaryllis. You take such great flower photos.

Karl said...

Wonderful flowers and photos !