Friday, November 16, 2018

More Light, Water and Art

I have a few more of the art pieces from the Canal Convergence event.  Above is a piece called "Floret" by Koros Designs.  It changes colors and the petals open when people step on pressure plates.

To the left is "Re-Cyclone" a sculpture made of 5000 plastic water bottles.  This one had handles on it that people could use to spin it.  It also turns colors.  It was created by Martin Taylor and Chromaforms Art Collective.

There were several of the above "Loops" scattered around the area.  It creates the illusion of early films as the person inside work the lever.

The one to the left was called "Infinity Crystal".  It was created by Clip Collective.  The glass structure is full of LED lights and mirrors.  It was fascinating to look at....almost hypnotic.

I did manage to go back again last night.  What a great art event!


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fabulous evening shots from the Conversion event Sharon, here and last post. You did such a super job of taking these, I hope I'm as lucky tonight. Have a great weekend ✨

biebkriebels said...

Wonderful photo's! So well photograped, I always have difficulties with making evening photos.

Andy said...

Awesome light show and awesome photos.

Lowell said...

What a blast, Sharon. Thanks for sharing. I love to see the creativity of talented artists. I wouldn't even have thought of such projects much less be able to produce them. And once again your photos bring everything to life.

RedPat said...

Thanks for showing more of these, Sharon! We need more light in these dark days of November!

Steve Reed said...

Interesting work! I love nighttime art events like this. We'll be having ours in January. I wonder if some of the same art collectives have works in both our shows?

William Kendall said...

Infinity Crystal particularly stands out among these, Sharon.

Karl said...

Another great set of night shots, Sharon !

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful displays, and all the lightwork makes for great photos!

Bill said...

What great light displays and perfect night shots, Sharon.

Aimz said...

I really like how the 2nd one was made from recycled plastic - perhaps more art pieces could be reused like that.

Lois said...

The "Infinity Crystal" is my favorite of this group, but they are all beautiful!