Friday, November 2, 2018

I Love Flowers

I saw these pretty lilies at the grocery store earlier this week and I couldn't resist taking them home.  Once I put them in a vase, I decided I should photograph them because I just loved everything about them, the shape, the color and the way they stood in the vase.  So, out came my black backdrop and I snapped a few photos.  This one is my favorite.

Then the next day I noticed how the sun from a window was lighting them up so I snapped another photo and then I got the idea of playing with my photo editing app to see what I might come up with.

Here are two of the results that I liked.  Flowers...they just make me happy!


biebkriebels said...

Wow, that is a nice experiment!

Karl said...

Bravo Sharon, magnificent images !

Steve Reed said...

Cool! I love that black background. It really makes the flowers stand out. And that last artistic treatment is great, too!

RedPat said...

They provided you with beauty and amusement - perfect, Sharon!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They make me happy too Sharon, they give so much pleasure and as shown here, they can be a muse for the imagination 🌷

William Kendall said...

They're very pretty, and I do like what you've done with them!

Lowell said...

Well, you know how I like creative takes on photos! These are super but they all depend on the quality of the original which would be hard to beat! The original is my favorite and my 2nd choice would be the first one you edited. So wonderful! You could have a career in floral photography!

Aimz said...

The purple and the green are so opposite that they make each other stand out.

Bill said...

They are beautiful. I like the edits you did to them, they came out great.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful! I like the dark background in the first photo, and always enjoy seeing edits! Have a good weekend.

Sandi said...

Spectacular flowers!