Saturday, November 10, 2018

Chiles & Chocolate

This weekend is the Chiles and Chocolate event at the Desert Botanical Garden.  I saw them roast up some delicious looking chiles and set them out to cool before bagging them up to sell.  There is just something about the smell of fresh roasted chiles.  Yum!

And in the vendor area you could buy everything from fine chocolates to gelato to all kinds of spices.  Above was a display of all the variety of ingredients that make up the different types of mole.  This vendor sold little spice packets for a variety of mole flavors.

This is such a delicious event and I always come home with something tasty.  This time is was three flavors of biscotti.


biebkriebels said...

It all looks good.

RedPat said...

I love mole so would have been tempted to get some of the spices!

Catarina said...

I would like also to be able to go to such an event.

Lowell said...

I don't even know what most of those terms mean. I don't think I've ever eaten chilis, except at Chilis, and I know a couple of different kinds of moles, but I don't think those are what you're referring to...biscotti I've eaten on at least one previous occasion. I guess I'm seriously lacking in couth and character. :)

William Kendall said...

They certainly are photogenic!

Bill said...

Looks like a great event to attend.

Aimz said...

i've tried chillies mixed in with food but never by themselves, the chocolate sounds a bit more appealing to me.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh yum Sharon, everything..yum 😀

Steve Reed said...

The chocolate sounds better than the chilies, I must admit!