Sunday, November 25, 2018

And so it begins....

The Holiday Season has officially begun, even though to all retailers it began a month or more ago.    When I was growing up, the official start was always right after Thanksgiving.

Here are a couple of holiday scenes to start off the season.

What about you?  Are you ready to plan for some holiday magic?

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's all about one of my favorite places to visit in southern California.


biebkriebels said...

The same here, it used to be after Saint Nicolas December 5th, but since november it is all Christmas in the shopping streets.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous poinsettia 🌺 I can't believe it's almost Christmas again Sharon, I'm having 25 to Christmas lunch, I had better get in the mood soon 😀

Andy said...

Bring it on...

Sandi said...



I am avoiding Walmart.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful! Here the office buildings and malls put up decorations after Remembrance Day. Parliament has decorations already up, and lights are being strung at the downtown sites, but those won't be lit up until early December.

Bill said...

Our town is decorated and the lights and tree will be turned on next Sunday night. Shops have already decorated their windows.

RedPat said...

We had our Santa Claus Parade last Sunday and that marks the unofficial start to the Christmas season although some of the stores have been decorated for a while. I love your pic of the poinsettia, Sharon!

Aimz said...

I sound a bit bah humbug this year, Christmas music at work started last week and supermarkets etc started selling Christmas stuff about a month ago. ugh too soon.

Steve Reed said...

Oh, Lord.

Jack said...

think I will skip poinsettia this year for the first time ever.