Sunday, October 14, 2018

Wet Weather

This was my view of Camelback Mountain yesterday morning.  You can barely see it.  It was raining pretty steadily all morning long.  We've had some very unusual weather for this time of year.  We went from 106 degrees down to 80 degrees in one week and then we've had several torrential rain falls.  As I'm typing this, the temperature is 65 degrees (18C).  Normal for this time of year is right around 90 degrees (32C).  The weather everywhere is just getting a bit crazy.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I found a great place to stay while in Seattle.


biebkriebels said...

I think we have your weather now. Sunshine all over the place with 24 degrees C! Normally we have 14 or so. The skating rink opened yesterday in Amsterdam and closed after one hour because the ice was melting.

Andy said...

I did search on Google and found this... "Rainfall sets new October record for Phoenix". Hope you are keeping safe.

Catarina said...

And some people do not believe in climate change...

Kate said...

The weather has been cockeyed all over the world!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the view through the rain Sharon. As unusual as the rain is I must say I'm really appreciating it 😊

RedPat said...

People must be a bit chilly there since that is so far below the average temp. 18 is more what we would expect here for this time of year although it is a big cooler than that this weekend.

Judy Ryer said...

It's a nice break from the heat.

William Kendall said...

Quite different from other times of the year.

Bill said...

A very unusual sight for Phoenix. Strange weather patterns indeed.

Aimz said...

wow 32 degrees that's roasting, the highest we get here in Summer is about 30 ish. It's good to have rain though maybe it was greatly needed.

Steve Reed said...

Looks like England! Well, except for the palm trees.