Monday, October 22, 2018

Places I've Worked

Prior to moving to Phoenix, I used to live and work in Mesa Arizona, a city east of Phoenix.  It's a large city and I was proud to be involved in quite a few community activities serving on boards and commissions.  My first job in Mesa was as Assistant Manager of a bank branch for the locally owned Continental Bank in this building that is still there today.  The bank passed through couple of different owners and is now part of the Wells Fargo system.

From my position at the branch above, I was promoted to Manager of the Fiesta Mall Branch when it opened.  That branch was located in this building that is now a dental office.  Where that fence to the right is located used to be the drive-up window and those bells in the bell tower actually played music from time to time.  Continental Bank bought a carillon so we could play Christmas music during the holidays to entertain all our neighbors.

Thanks for letting me take you down memory lane!


biebkriebels said...

Always nice to revisit a place you have good memories at. The building doesn't look like a bankbuilding at all to me with a carrillon amazing.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! Investing in a carillon for the sake of the community -- I wonder how many banks would do that now?

William Kendall said...

That second one looks very southwestern.

RedPat said...

I really like the look of that 2nd one, Sharon! It is fun to revisit old haunts.

Bill said...

Looking back to see where you came from can be very interesting and fun. We can see things from a different perspective. Thanks for sharing, Sharon.

Catalyst said...

I've often wondered what you have done in your career. Looks like you chose a good one.

Aimz said...

I've hard of the name but not very informed of what they do sorry.

Kate said...

I prefer the architecture of the building in the bottom photo.