Friday, October 26, 2018


I have four more New York photos today.  Once again, they are all iPhone photos.

To the left is a museum I visited for the first time, The Morgan Library & Museum.  I actually thought I'd be there for only hour and ended spending most of the day there.  It's spectacular.

The Guggenheim was also a first time for me.  I can't believe how many times I've been to New York and never visited this museum before.  They were showing an exhibit of paintings by Hilma af Klint, an interesting and very talented woman I had never heard of before.  It was fascinating.

Of course, the Metropolitan Museum of art was also on the agenda.  In fact, I visited here twice.  It's one of those places where you will never see it all which is why I manage a visit every time I'm in the city.

Another favorite of mine is The Cloisters run by the Met but located about 6 miles north of the city.  It's a little more difficult to get to but well worth the effort.  The museum is dedicated to Medieval art and architecture.

Not pictured in this post is the Met Breuer, another offshoot of the The Met where contemporary art is shown.  We only had a short time at that museum but got to see an interesting exhibit about a connection between art and conspiracies.  The other museum was MoMa (Museum of Modern Art).  I was awestruck by the selection of works by the likes of Monet, Renoir, Picasso, Van Gogh and so many more.  When I get my photos from my camera downloaded and sorted, I'll have posts about all of these places on my travel blog.

I must be addicted to art museums....I love them all.


biebkriebels said...

I would love to see them all, have been in the Guggenheim twice and the Metropolitan, but that first one with all the books I didn't know and looks stunning!

Sandi said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Amaaaaazing! What a brilliant trip Sharon. I can't wait to see the Picasso's. I love our main art gallery in the city but because we are so far away from the rest of Oz, and it costs a fortune to get the big exhibitions here, we miss out a bit.

William Kendall said...

That first one is my favourite. I love art too, particularly styles before the abstract era.

Karl said...

The first one is my favorite too. What a great trip you had, Sharon !

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful! The Morgan was right around the corner from where I lived for about ten years and I never went there. Can you believe it? I did get to the Cloisters, and of course the Met and the Gug. I always think the building is the best thing about the Guggenheim.

RedPat said...

That 1st pic is incredible, Sharon! You must have been exhausted when you got home!

Bill said...

The first photo is my favorite too, it's fantastic. Looking forward in seeing your art pics.

Lois said...

Oh my, that first one is amazing. I need to go there!

Judy Ryer said...

Very nice shots of these amazing places.

Aimz said...

What's catching my eye is the bottom photo there is almost like a bit pointed pile of sticks - what's that about I wonder?