Saturday, September 1, 2018

Theme Day: Teach

I've been attending a series of lectures at Arizona State University at the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership.  It's a newly created program that is designed to inspire leadership and statesmanship for the common good.
Heaven knows, we can certainly use some of that!
Last year's speaker series was all about Freedom of Speech.  The two gentleman above were very popular speakers at one of the lectures.  They are Cornel West and Robbie  George and I thoroughly enjoyed their talk.

This coming season the subject will be Polarization and Civil Disagreement.  I can't wait to learn more from a great series of speakers.

City Daily Photo Bloggers post on a theme on the first of every month.  To see some other examples of "Teach", click the link.


biebkriebels said...

As an adult you apreciate these lectures much more than the lessons at school you had to follow as a child. I like that very much.

Kate said...

How very lucky you are to live in a city that offers so many different ways to learn by those who are willing to teach! I, too, feel fortunate to live in a progressive town that values education and teaching!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Perfect Sharon.. I do recognise both gentlemen here but confess to not knowing too much about their world views ✨

William Kendall said...

That sounds like a fascinating series to attend.

Jim said...

Good post for theme day.

Small City Scenes said...

Good for you and good for them. As adults we can learn so much that we weren't interested in when we were younger

RedPat said...

It's too bad we didn't appreciate learning so much when we were kids! These lectures sound great, Sharon!

AsAeenBySusan said...

A wonderful example of an opportunity for life-long learning. The topic is one that we need to hear more of, especially nowadays.

Bill said...

Life-long learning at its best. Great to live near schools that offer you the opportunity to further your knowledge.

Linda said...

Good for you! That next topic sounds fascinating... lots of polarization going on.

Aimz said...

yes I would be like you, as an adult I would want to listen and learn now more than I would've in my younger years.

Steve Reed said...

Sounds interesting! Polarization is certainly an appropriate subject for our currently crazy planet. We'll expect brief encapsulations of every lecture. :)