Saturday, July 14, 2018

It's Not All Blue Skies

When I started this post ten years ago in the month of July, it was only natural to post about our summer monsoon storms.  The monsoon season starts in June and runs and runs through September and is marked sometimes by a nightly gathering of clouds and wind.  We are lucky when there is a little rain mixed in but many times the rain seems to stay in the outlying areas leaving the city with just the dust.

We've only had a couple of monsoon storms so far this season and one brought a record rainfall which was very nice.  I hope we get some more.


Karl said...

Beautiful dramatic clouds here !

biebkriebels said...

Yes dramatic clouds, we miss the rain at the moment, everything dries.

Andy said...

Nice sky. I always imagine Phoenix as a very dry place.

RedPat said...

These are spectacular clouds, Sharon!

Silver in AZ said...

when I was still on Facebook last year, I joined an AZ photography group, and the monsoon photos were amazing! I'm not looking forward to the sandstorms, but am looking forward to the rest of monsoon season next year. :)

Great photos!!

William Kendall said...

Amazing clouds!

A blogger friend up in Tucson has been watching the weather closely.

Judy Ryer said...

These two pictures show the summer sky much better than the one ten years ago. Love the sun on the building with the dark sky and the big white puffy cloud like the ones we had yesterday.

Bill said...

The clouds look incredible and very dramatic. I like the way you composed the photos with the top of the trees.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful, dramatic clouds! We're getting some monsoon-like weather here in S CA, which is a little unusual for this early in summer (more commonly seen in August). It makes for some great sky shots, but I don't like the combination of hot and humid.

Aimz said...

I've never experienced a monsoon - I guess the rain is much needed there?

Steve Reed said...

I love that second picture. It looks positively tropical!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful light in the first shot Sharon. I absolutely understand your enjoyment in the rain, in hot summers like ours every drop is precious ✨

Bob Crowe said...

I particularly like the second one, a perfect but unusual take on desert landscape.