Monday, June 11, 2018

Timely Observation

Spotted this car ahead of me on Saturday.  There are some things too ironic for words.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Trump is another slang word for passing wind

biebkriebels said...

Who wants to drive a car with this name on :(

Kate said...

I am really confused! The car has a Canadian license plate with a "Trump 2017" frame. Is this a transplanted American who voted form sTrump and then fled the USA after realising what kind of president he is or are they trying to undermine our country or ????

Catarina said...

Had to laugh when I read Bill's comment!

Andy said...

LOL... Surveys have shown that 38 per cent of Albertans feel they have more in common with Americans than with Ontarians.

Catarina said...

O.M.G. I was so stunned when I saw the word Trump I did not even see the word Alberta. O.M.G. again! Now I am not laughing! :((

Steve Reed said...

How weird! I think it must be an American transplant to Canada. Probably someone working in the petroleum industry up there.

Thérèse said...

Unique shot and unique comments.

William Kendall said...

The dude (it's got to be a guy) does realize he has his years wrong, right?

Unfortunately we've got Trump fans up here. Enough of them elected a complete dumbass into the premier of Ontario's job last week.

They're the biggest argument in favour of IQ tests before voting.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I bet you didn't expect to see that Sharon.. gosh you're quick on the click ☺

Thérèse said...

Sharon, I just found this article about Mail Art in Phoenix. I hope it will answer part of your question.

Catarina said...

Great comment, William. hahahahaha

Lowell said...

I wonder if they'd do this again or if the orange-headed monster has created enough evil in the world for them to realize that perhaps, just maybe, one Hitler every hundred years is enough! I'm convinced that not enough people in the US see the parallels (which are becoming closer every day) to Adolf and Dumbdum. It's scary as hell.

Judy Ryer said...

I would think anyone who had one of those would have been embarrassed enough by now to remove it no matter where they were from.

RedPat said...

I'm not sure how popular Mr T is these days up here.

Jack said...

Trump and Accord. Let's hope the Trumpeter manages to something good in Singapore.

Aimz said...

I'm not a trump fan at all but surely some of the last presidents weren't much better, look at clinton for instance. ugh