Saturday, June 30, 2018

Honey Bear

When I was at the Farmer's Market a few weeks ago, I saw this display at the booth that sells local honey.  That cute bear looks like he's in heaven with all that sticky honey dripping over him.


biebkriebels said...

Funny display.

Kate said...

Brings so many things to mind! Pooh Bear still resides in our house, a bit battered, but just cannot leave. Also reminds me of Hal Cyon in Berlin with all the photos of bears and the knitted ones on Facebook.
Great photos.

RedPat said...

Sweet! ;-)

William Kendall said...

That is one contented bear!

Silver in AZ said...

so very cute! And clever!

Bill said...

Everyone loves a honey bear, so sweet. :)

Steve Reed said...

I hope that's not REAL honey all over him? Seems like the flies would be all up in that.

Crazy story about your computer! Holy cow! I hope you get that sorted OK! I would ask whether the external drive is going to be infected -- it could be that it's fine and I'd hate for you to wipe the drive unnecessarily. Apple could probably tell you.

Catalyst said...

That honey DOES look good.

Aimz said...

It's very cute, honey is so expensive here in NZ

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A honey day is the best kind of day 😊

Judy Ryer said...

Love it!

Thérèse said...

It is said that local honey helps to fight allergies. I am always careful to buy some local honey.