Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Breaking News: Giant, Smelly Bloom

The Tucson Botanical Garden has a plant called the  "corpse flower" and it's blooming as I write this. The real name is Amorphophallus Titanum and it's one of the largest and rarest flowering plant.  I'm not in Tucson to see it but no worries, they have set up a live web feed so people all over the world can get a glimpse.  But, hurry to take your peek, the blooms only last 24 to 36 hours.  The link to see the live feed is here.

When I snapped these photos off of my laptop, it was 5:00 PM Arizona time.  In the photo above, the guy in the white shirt is a newsman waiting to go on the air.  He's the second one I've seen.  There was another newsman doing a broadcast around 2:00 PM when I checked the site.  The garden believes this plant is about 7 years old.  It takes this plant 7 to 10 years to bloom.  Oh, and it has that name "corpse flower" because it is said to smell like rotting flesh.  So far, I haven't seen anyone near it holding their nose.

I wish I was there to get a my own photo of it!


biebkriebels said...

I have heard about it once, but never seen a picture of it. Amazing nature.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A good reason to watch it on the webcam

Lowell said...

You did a really good job of getting this off a live feed. It's not only a rare plant but a big plant. From the looks of things, I don't think the smell can be that bad. The plant I don't like is the one that wraps itself around you and crushes you to death. Or is that just a myth.

RedPat said...

One flowered here a few years ago and it was a big attraction for the public too!

Judy Ryer said...

It was interesting watching it and reading all the facts that they were adding to the live feed every day. What a strange plant!

Steve Reed said...

Does the web feed include "smell-o-vision"? (Or what did John Waters call it -- "Odorama"?) Otherwise I don't think you're getting the full experience. :)

William Kendall said...

I remember the one RedPat is referring to, though I haven't seen it myself.

Aimz said...

I think it's quite an incredible flower but I've never seen one myself.

Bill said...

Incredible and unique, I have never seen on either.

Lowell said...

Hi Sharon, I just read something else that stinks. Maricopa County "forgot to send" or "lost" over 100,000 voter registrations...or something like that. You folks are beginning to sound like Florida. Oh, wait I was there when someone named Goldwater was running things and he was a really bad guy! A lot of people had bumper stickers and stickers on their car and truck windows that said "Goldwater, my .... (picture of an ass - donkey).

Is this voter registration thing for real? Did you get to vote?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I must admit your post title made me smile Sharon ☺ Rosie is an amazing flower, just a shame she's so smelly!Thanks for the link, I'll check back now and then.

Caro G said...

I'd rather look at this unique flower than smell it. It smells that way to attract insects that eat rotting flesh to pollinate it. :\

Jack said...

This is a nice bloom to see on a computer screen instead of in near proximity to one's nostrils.