Saturday, March 24, 2018

Visiting the Butterflies

I hadn't seen the spring butterflies at the Desert Botanical Garden yet so I made a trip out there yesterday morning to see how they were doing.  It was a warm morning so they were doing splendidly.  They love it when it's warm and they were flying all over the pavilion.  Above is a White Peacock butterfly.

Here we have a Gulf Fritillary.

A Pipevine Swallowtail was perched in the sun.

And this last one I believe is a Great Southern White.  I timed my visit perfectly.  As I was leaving, about 60 to 70 young school kids were arriving.  I got out of there just in time.


Steve Reed said...

Ha! Perfect timing! These are beautiful shots!

Christine said...

Great timing, I'd say! These are gorgeous photos Sharon! I love each one!

Andy said...

Oh my! What a wonderful sight. The colours are so brilliant.

Karl said...

These are so beautiful, Sharon !
I mean, the butterflies AND the photos.

biebkriebels said...

What a beautiful photos of the butterflies!

Lowell said...

Well, I was going to post a butterfly in a day or two but now I'm not so sure. I can't compete with these splendid specimens...and how come you're so smart you know all the names.

Ah, the heck with it, I'll put up my flutterby and you can tell me its name. OK? :) Meanwhile, have a great weekend!

Judy Ryer said...

I've never seen some of those. Very pretty!

William Kendall said...

What a lovely variety of them!

RedPat said...

Your pics are wonderful, Sharon! And it is so nice to see the flowers behind the butterflies!

Bill said...

Fantastic butterfly photos, Sharon. You captured their beauty perfectly.

Aimz said...

oh beautiful colours, I havent seen ones like those.

Maria Rodrigues said...
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Thérèse said...

Great pics Sharon!

Susie of Arabia said...

Love these butterfly shots! The colors and details are spectacular!