Thursday, March 8, 2018

Transforming Fashion

At the end of February, I went to the Phoenix Art Museum for the opening of a new exhibit called "Transforming Fashion".  It featured designs exclusively by Dutch designer, Iris van Herpen.

The show featured 45 ensembles created between 2008 and 2015.

Obviously, these designs are not meant to be worn by fashion-minded women.  I believe the only time they were worn by a real model was when they were first shown at a fashion show.

Even at those fashion shows, I'm betting that wearing these designs was a bit of a trial for the model.

There was a video playing in the gallery of models actually wearing these pieces.  They had to do it very carefully.

There were so many truly outrageous designs in the show but I think I'll end with this one.

I do believe wearing this outfit would destroy any hope of getting a dance partner and I'd be very, very careful bending over to pick something up.

Many of the clothes in this collection were made with a 3-D printer instead of cloth and needle and thread.

What do you think?

Tomorrow I'll show you some of the shoes in the collection!


Elisabeth Firsching said...

What do they tell us? Don´t be a woman who lives and does all these down to earth things? Or the women are doing many things, that don´t fit in their lives? If it is an artist, who does these kind of "clothings" this is what comes to my mind. Put down all that others tell you about what fits you well and what you need to wear to be pretty. And thats my statement on this womans day :-)
Greetings from Austria

Christine said...

Futuristic and totally impractical but I love these - not wear but just for the artistic value of looking at them.

biebkriebels said...

Iris van Herpen is an icon here and has won many prices. I am glad to see she has an exhibition at your place. Her clothes are not meant to be worn, she tries to find out the opportunities of new materials and I admire her creativity. It is wonderful to look at all the details I think.

Lowell said...

I think I'd better be careful as to what I say here today, but I'll wait until I stop laughing! Heh, heh. I'm sorry, I can't imagine why van Herpes won any prizes. Oh, maybe for recycling. Heh. heh. I'm sorry. Sort of. Maybe. Possibly. Nah. :)

William Kendall said...

They are decidedly weird.

Bill said...

Creativity for show and not for wearing, I assume. I can't image anyone dressing like that. Interesting to see her process and ideas expressed through those creations.

RedPat said...

I think they are art rather than fashion, Sharon! I'm not sure if anyone would display them in their home though. I like the 2nd one the best.

Judy Ryer said...

I can see me wearing that bug dress to the grocery store. I wouldn't have to worry about being crowded by people.

Aimz said...

They're all very unusual, the 2nd one reminds me of a moth.

Steve Reed said...

The mannequin with the feathers in front of her eyes looks kind of like a moth.

Steve Reed said...

Oh, Amy beat me to it! :(

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They're fabulous Sharon.. I'd call this art, they really are quite sculptural.