Thursday, March 15, 2018

Major Renovations

Scottsdale Fashion Square, the largest shopping center in the Phoenix area is undergoing some major renovations at the moment.  Right now when you shop at the mall, the ceiling looks like this and the floors have been scraped down to the concrete in many locations.

The changes won't be complete until the fall of this year, but it supposedly will expand the retail and restaurant space by 45,000 square feet.  The mall owners said that the new mall will have more of a "resort" feel to it.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


Andy said...

Mall renovations must be contagious. Same thing happening here also.

Christine said...

I see some high end retailers there so this must be a very prestigious mall!

Lowell said...

I like the idea and I'll be interested in seeing how it all works out. I really enjoy shopping at good malls with good restaurants. Especially in the summer. We don't have much of a downtown and it's a place to go to escape the heat. :)

RedPat said...

Malls always seem to be changing!

Steve Reed said...

What does that even mean, a "resort" feel? A swimming pool?

Judy Ryer said...

That should be interesting. A lot of the stores in our mall have closed. I haven't been to a mall in over a year though so could have changed.

William Kendall said...

It's chaotic while it lasts. One of our major malls had an expansion project finish up a couple of years ago.

Bill said...

I haven't been to a mall in a decade+. I think I would be lost in the maze of stores.

Aimz said...

As long as malls change with the times they should be ok, we've got one major one here near where we live and it is such a treat to visit.

Thérèse said...

I am not a mall's fan but I always liked this one. Nice shots.