Thursday, February 1, 2018

Theme Day: Tired

Every year the Desert Botanical Garden has an event called Dog's Day in the Garden and this year's event was held mid-January.  I like to go when I can to see all the dogs enjoying a walk around the garden with their humans.  Most of the time, the dogs are pretty excited about the long walk and seeing all those other dogs but, this guy was just too tired to care.  It was nap time for him!

On the first of the month, City Daily Photo Bloggers post photos based on a theme and the February theme is "Tired".  To see other blogger posts, click here.


Andy said...

The advantage of being a dog... just flop down where they are and have a nap.

biebkriebels said...

What a great photo of the dog, he is really tired of all the fuzz.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh that is too wonderful Sharon, what a gorgeous tired wrinkley face he has ☺

RedPat said...

His face says "tired"! Good one, Sharon!

Judy Ryer said...

Looks like it might be a Mastiff. Sweet dogs, but huge. I wish I could fall asleep like that.

Lois said...

What a sweetheart!

Steve Reed said...

Funny! He looks very comfortable!

William Kendall said...


Lowell said...

Oh my...that's one of those wrinkly dogs. I had a friend once who raised them. They look funny but are very nice dogs. Very tired, too, it seems! Nice shot!

Bill said...

The poor guy looks totally exhausted. What a great photo, Sharon.

Small City Scenes said...


Aimz said...

i'm sure he and the other dogs enjoyed it though :-)

Kay said...

What a perfect face for today's theme. He does look plenty tired.

Catalyst said...

Perfect photo for the theme day.

Kate said...

The perpetual "worried" look adds to the illusion of fatigue. Bet he's resting up for the next adventure.