Monday, February 26, 2018

Peace and Light

I'm betting that not many people get to see this mural because it's located behind a local restaurant called The Windsor on Central Avenue.  It covers a big utility building.

That's a shame because I really like the clean lines and graphic design of this one.  It was created by the artistic team of the Fartoul Brothers (Gabriel and Isaac).  All of their artwork has this graphic style that makes them very appealing to me.


Andy said...

It pays to get off the beaten path and go exploring.

biebkriebels said...

It is indeed very nice done. Ugly Utility buildings are a perfect place for murals.

Christine said...

Wonderful artwork to cover up the otherwise grim utility building!

Lowell said...

It's fun and funky. But weird, too. Lots of good color. But what is that female mouth spewing out? I'd love to ask the artist, "What were you thinking?" There's got to be some kind of meaning to this, right?

You're an artiste, what do you think it all means?

Karl said...

I like the style of this mural, too.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's fabulous Sharon, I quite often find excellent street art in the most secluded spots, good thing you found it to show to the world!

William Kendall said...

Very colourful!

Kate said...

Good street artists and their art should be supported by the community.This is a bright, mural with clean lines and it does wonders to enhance the terribly square building.

Steve Reed said...

Definitely eye-catching! It seems to be saying something about food -- clean eating, or something like that.

RedPat said...

That style really appeals to me too, Sharon! You should link up to Monday Murals.

Bill said...

That's a beauty, Sharon. Good find, I like the style too.

Judy Ryer said...

It's nice to see a utility shed turned into art. I like it.

Aimz said...

I actually really like it, mind you I like anything that's different and not like anything else.