Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Phoenix Bird

I haven't posted a Phoenix bird in quite awhile because I had captured all the ones that I knew about.  However, recently I found this one at the entrance to housing area that is attached to the Phoenician Resort.  He looked pretty good against that  cloud spattered sky.

His partner was on the other side of the entrance with a large tree behind it.  I'll keep my eyes open for more. I never know where I'll find one.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Like the first photo

Andy said...

Nice photos. The spreading wings sure do catch one's attention.

William Kendall said...

These both stand out well!

Karl said...

Gorgeous ! Love the first image, Sharon !

Lowell said...

Always love the rising Phoenix bird. This is a powerful character.

Catalyst said...

Yes, that's a good one.

RedPat said...

They definitely look like they are rising, Sharon! ;-)

Aimz said...

it's quite a magnificent bird and sculpture.

Thérèse said...

You captured the perfect sky for the bird.

Judy Ryer said...

Nice one!

Bill said...

Wow, they are pretty impressive.

Steve Reed said...

Excellent! Those Phoenixes really seem to be flaming, with those feathers and wings outspread!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A pair of beauties Sharon.. you just never know where those rising phoenix will appear!

Kate said...

I am glad that you returned to this icon. Very interesting!!