Monday, January 15, 2018

Hidden Tribute

Speaking of the Phoenix Suns (as I did yesterday), I found this mural on the back side of a little restaurant called Pocho's on 24th Street near McDowell Road.  You can't see it from the street.  You have to be in the parking lot to see it.  The artist is unknown on this one but I'm guessing the restaurant owners are fans.


Andy said...

The colours are fantastic. Too bad the artist did not leave their name.

Christine said...

What a fantastic PHX mural! Pity it's all the way around the back and only those parking can enjoy it.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think you could be right Sharon 😀 Murals are quite often discovered in car parks and down laneways ☺

RedPat said...

It's a good tribute to the team, Sharon!

Stefan Jansson said...

Good one, weird I can only comment on certain blogs since about a week or so.

Judy Ryer said...

It's very well done. I wonder why it isn't signed.

William Kendall said...

A striking mural. I like that shade of red.

Lowell said...

I think you are right. That sun is exploding over the city. I'd figure you'd like this, being a fan yourself. :)

Bill said...

I like this, it's very well done.

Aimz said...

There's alot of red in it, kind of reminds me of something that's advertising energy drinks, I don't know why.

Steve Reed said...

Hometown pride!