Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Blast of Color

Lot's of color and many, many patterns.....all the things I love!  During the last week of December, I went back to the Phoenix Art Museum to see the show featuring Brazilian artists one more time before it came down.  I was captivated by this painting by Beatriz Milhazes from Rio de Janeiro.

It has all those elements I like in contemporary art works.  The description says it has an atmosphere of Carnival and evokes Brazil's lush landscape.  I think it does that and so much more!


Lowell said...

You are an artist. You appreciate work like this. That's a good thing. I find it muddles my mind (which, btw, isn't hard to do these days). I do like the different shapes and the colors are very Brazilian and for some reason I see a woman with a billowing skirt dancing and whirling across a glossy dance floor. (P.S. I don't know Brazilian colors from Maltese puppies, but the phrase sounded like the proper thing to say.) :)

Thérèse said...

Oh I saw one of her exhibits in Paris and I simply loved it.

Christine said...

It's a really party piece so carnival fits this so well!

RedPat said...

I love it, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

Boldly colourful!

Bill said...

The shapes and colour does give it a carnival feeling. I like it, Sharon, it's very nice.

Aimz said...

ahhh now this is what I like. I enjoy seeing things that are different from everything else. Reminds me of different textures such as wheels and shapes etc.

Steve Reed said...

Nice! I saw a show of Brazilian "Tropcalia" artworks from the '60s and '70s in the Bronx years ago, and I still remember how interesting it was. A school of art that I knew nothing about at the time.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's fabulous Sharon, I have the perfect spot for it ☺

Bob Crowe said...

You have an excellent art museum. This piece is brilliant but a little hard on the eyes. Maybe it's better in the tropics.

Jack said...

It is a wonderful work, Sharon. I feel humble to see the things some people can create.