Sunday, October 1, 2017

Theme Day: Sensual

As most of you know, the first day of the month is always "Theme Day" for City Daily Photo bloggers and the October theme is "sensual".  Well now that is certainly a theme that could go in so many unusual directions.  I chose to take the "epicurean" direction for my post.  After all what could be more sensual than a glass of fine champagne and a little candle light.  I actually took this photo on my  birthday last month.  After my friends treated me to a fantastic dinner, we went to that hidden bar I posted about last summer for some champagne.  I have really great friends.

Also on the sensual side in my book is fine chocolate and a lovely box of Zak's Chocolates is just the perfect thing to fill that bill.  I posted about Zak's back when I discovered them and it has become my all time favorite fine chocolate.  The chocolate is always smooth and silky and....well, sensual now that I think about it.

To see more "sensual" posts from other cities, click here.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have a little something different, a story with a little history, a little humor and a ghost!  Check it out.


Lowell said...

This is certainly a different tack than I took, but i think I like it better. It's all so yummy and real and accessible!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Two incredibly sensuous subjects Sharon, they make sweet magic together 😀

William Kendall said...

Those chocolates look tempting!

BarbRad said...

Those chocolates are very sensual. I'll take them over champagne any day. All those shapes and colors! I can only imagine the taste and texture.

RedPat said...

I'm for the champagne Sharon! And I even like chocolate with beer!

Judy Ryer said...

Wish I could eat some of those chocolates!

Bill said...

That's a great entry for today's theme. Those chocolates look divine.

Aimz said...

I'm not a champagne person but the chocolates look good!

Steve Reed said...

Champagne and chocolate definitely qualify as sensual!