Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Gang in the Old Neighborhood

I took a drive over to my old neighborhood over the weekend to see if my former neighbor had his family of skeletons out for the Halloween season.  As you can see he did!  The gang was all there.

Even the family dog (or is that a cat) was present and accounted for.

I went back after dark to see how they looked at night but, I thought they were a little dim to the naked eye this year.  However a long exposure has them lit up pretty well.

I'm glad I stopped back.  Those stragglers hanging out on the cars in the driveway weren't there in the afternoon.  Maybe they just stopped by for a visit.


Andy said...

Very good Halloween display. They look a bit undernourished.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

T hats a scary gang to meet up with

Thérèse said...

Oh my! I just love it. I have never seen anything of the kind. It was worth it going back at night.
The skeletons are out tonight,
they march about the street,
With bony bodies, bony heads
and bony hands and feet.
Bony bony bony bones
with nothing in between,
Up and down and all around
they march on Halloween."
Jack Prelutsky

Karl said...

What a noble gang !

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh my gosh! I remember the old crowd from last year Sharon, they still look far too undernourished ☺ What a sight at night!

Christine said...

I counted over 40!! What a motley crew complete with baby and dog!!
Great to see them partying at night!!

Kate said...

You must have missed the annual event if you returned to check it out. Glad you did! Such effort involved in the display!

Lois said...

Oh how fun! I'm glad you went back at night too.

Steve Reed said...

That's not a family, it's a convention!

William Kendall said...

Oh, that is fun!

RedPat said...

I love the female sitting on the back of the car! Great fun, Sharon!

Roseann said...

Is your neighbor a doctor or a pathologist?

Lowell said...

Oh good Lord! That is sooooo funny and yet somehow pretty weird. I saw someone asked if your neighbor was a pathologist. I think that's the wrong question: I think the question is: Is your neighbor pathological? Heh, heh. Lots of fun but a lot of work, too, and to what purpose? And where would you store all that stuff?

Aimz said...

oh very cool and unusual, where does he get all the skeletons from? bet they give some people a fright lol

Sharon said...

Roseann, I really don't know what their professions are. I never got to know them before I moved away. I do know that their Halloween decorations were way more elaborate than their Christmas decorations.

Bill said...

Very cool, what an incredible sight. I have never seen anything like it before. Glad you went back. Think those old neighbors like Halloween.:) They must gets lots of trick or treaters on the big night.

Judy Ryer said...

They look lean and hungry. Next time, bring them a sandwich.

Catalyst said...

Wonder what that guy does for a living.

Silver in AZ said...

Awesome!!! Must share with hubby!