Saturday, August 5, 2017

Thursday's Weather

Around 3:30 Thursday afternoon, I was headed to Scottsdale for a hair appointment and I was noticing all the white puffy clouds in the sky.  When I got to the salon, I snapped a photo and thought to myself that I might get some more pretty cloud shots when I was done.

However, about 45 minutes later when I exited the salon, the sky was dark grey and by the time I got to my car, it was raining.  It rained very hard for about 30 to 45 minutes and there was a lot of wind to go with it.

When it stopped raining, there were rainbows.

Beautiful rainbows!
Perfect monsoon weather for here in the desert southwest.


RedPat said...

I thought I saw a news item about flooding in Phoenix yesterday, Sharon! Love your rainbow!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds like the perfect day Sharon, a bit of sun and a lot of rain, resulting in gorgeous rainbows.. parfait!

William Kendall said...

A beautifully intense blue in that first shot, Sharon.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks like it lased it down on you, did your hair survive. Great skys

Judy Ryer said...

Nice big storms in the Valley Of The Sun the last few days!

Bill said...

A nice rainbow for surviving the rain blast. The clouds are fantastic in the first photo. They remind me of cotton balls, so fluffy.

Aimz said...

It's like here with the sun and the rain, 4 season in one day.

Kate said...

Hope the rain did not ruin your newly coiffed hairdo!

Steve Reed said...

All the desert critters were happy for the rainfall, I'm sure!

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Jack said...

Big weather contrasts. How many times do we say to ourselves, "I don't have enough time now . . . I'll take the picture on the way back," and have exactly that happen to us?