Saturday, August 19, 2017

Pointing the Camera Down

It is way too early here in the southwest to see falling leaves.  This one didn't get the message.  It certainly has developed a "fall" color!

When I saw this shadow in a parking lot, I thought maybe Mickey Mouse was behind me.  Micky.... you've lost way too much weight.

I waited patiently while it crossed the path.  Even thought it's a rather harmless Kingsnake, I gave it all the room it needed to move along away from me.


Steve Reed said...

Wow! That's an amazing snake! I too always see interesting things when I watch the ground.

Christine said...

So funny Sharon to see Mickey following you and I'd be off before thinking of snapping a photo of a snake!

RedPat said...

A brave snake to be so out in the open!

William Kendall said...

Quite a snake!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Thanks Sharon you made me smile ☺ I can't believe #45 is going to hold a rally in Phoenix this week, will there be protests?

Lois said...

Nice looking snake, but I would have run the other way! The leaf is pretty. I have a few that have already fallen in my yard.

Judy Ryer said...

Such a pretty leaf and the snake is kind of pretty too but I wouldn't want to pet it.

Bill said...

Glad you were looking down when the snake decided to move along. Wouldn't want to step on it by accident. I am not a fan of snakes so he wouldn't have a problem with me blocking his way. :)

Aimz said...

Not sure what I'd do if I saw a snake, lucky we dont have them here.

Karl said...

You did good to point the camera down, Sharon, beautiful details !