Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Monsoon Clouds from Above

When I was flying in Sunday evening I got to see some of those big monsoon clouds from up above.

These clouds actually look quite friendly.  When we landed, the skies were blue so my only opportunity to see them was this view as they floated off to the west.


Aimz said...

They kinda look like cumulus clouds :-)

Andy said...

Nice. They look so different when you get up close like this.

Halcyon said...

It's always fun to be up with the clouds!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So not agreeing with Hal, it's never fun to be up in the clouds 😀😀 this is how I like to see those high clouds Sharon.. through your lens 😀

Judy Ryer said...

Your up above the clouds! Pretty!

RedPat said...

Gorgeous, Sharon! Although I'm a bit like Grace on the whole flying experience!

William Kendall said...

Very dramatic!

Bill said...

These are great shots Sharon. Love looking out the window and snapping away.