Monday, July 24, 2017

Street Photography

I've got a file folder for candid street photography and when I looked through it recently I saw a few that I have never posted.  Believe it or not, this shot has been sitting in that file since 2013 when those very tall platform shoes were much more popular than they are now.  I saw this young lady walking with two guys and when they paused to light a cigarette, I snapped the shot.  I had to laugh after I downloaded the shot because it looks like that one guy is checking out her shoes. Or is he admiring those legs?

I'll dig out a few more of these candid shots.


Aimz said...

hmmm what is the guy on the left looking at?

Stefan Jansson said...

My eyes would have been drawn to both the legs and the shoes.

Karl said...

I had to enlarge the photo, he is definitely looking at the right shoe of his friend :)

Halcyon said...

Not sure he's looking at the legs... I think he's checking out her rump!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Loooove it! Crikey Sharon, those are killer high heels, I bet young women still wear them. I wouldn't blame him checking out those gorgeous legs, they go on forever 😀😀 Looking forward to more of your street photography!

Judy Ryer said...

My feet hurt just looking at those shoes. You would have to really want to make a statement to put those on.

Christine said...

You snapped this at just the right moment! What a pair!!!

RedPat said...

Notice that the guys are wearing comfy sneakers! ;-)

William Kendall said...

Of course the legs!

Gunn said...


She will struggle to walk when she is older... ! :-)

Catalyst said...

I don't know about him but I am sure admiring those legs!

Bill said...

He's probably a legs and heels man, if not he definitely has a weird look going on. :)

Thérèse said...

Such a shot!

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Jack said...

Looking at the shoes is just a way of masking his admiration of her rather fine legs. I have used that technique myself . . .